Do you...

  • Know you're talented AF and want to make the income that you know you deserve?

  • Want to get booked for the gigs, share your art in shows and spread your passion with the world?

  • Need someone to hype you up and remind you of your big visions?

  • Want to be held accountable so you can execute your ideas instead of being a bunch of talk?

  • Love helping other creatives and seeing them win and know that having a mentor is KEY to success?

If that's a HELL YA, then let's get it!

Sign up now! It would be my honor to collaborate on making your HYPE CREATIVE career a reality!

Brands I've Worked With

Nike Logo
Live Nation
Mindys Edible
Lyrical Lemonade
North Coast Music Festival

After the 3 month Hype Creative Mentorship, you will:

Be SO HYPE to share your work with EVERYONE you meet!

  • Have a focused strategic plan that you actually stick to

  • Create a brand with a dope photo & video shoot that feels like YOU and not the same basic ass BS

  • Feel on point and confident just being yourself in front of the camera, at events and networking online

  • Know that you can handle the hard stuff and will show up real AF because that's your only option

  • Have a routine that works, feels good and is the reason why you're creative work is killing the game

  • Grow your audience through content that you LOVE

  • Have focused on building a supportive community of creatives that you VIBE WITH and push you

  • Be an even more of a bad ass than you are now!

Creative Hype Coaching includes:

  • 1 hour HYPE CREATIVE photo & video shoot in Chicago or virtual shoot

  • FREE Welcome gift that includes a CUSTOM DAILY PLANNER that is designed for YOU to hit your goals

  • 2-hour in person or virtual VIP session with Shereene to mastermind & plan out your HYPE shoot

  • 6 1-hour video call sessions with Shereene to dive deep and make sure you're on track to getting paid for your creative work

  • 5 video chapters focused on building your Hype Creative business

  • Monthly group video call with the Hype Creative Program focused on skill building and workshopping in a community space

  • Twice a month Hype Co-Working video calls with other inspiring creatives

  • Discord Hype Creative Community and one on one communication in between calls with Shereene so you're always feeling supported

Hype Creative Mentorship

Five sections over 3-month program

  • Vision + Goal Setting

  • Routines + Ideal Lifestyle

  • Confidence + Challenges

  • Branding + Marketing

  • Community + Networking


This shit works.

Ann Ittoop


You were literally just as excited to make something that has been in my mind for years a thing. That shift paired with frequent talking, follow up, emails with action plans with you saying "This is what you wanted to do so now you have to own up to what you're telling yourself", I think that accountability was a critical shift for me

Sini Stephan


While Shereene coached me through my process with music, she helped me figure out some milestones to target and we hit it together.

Lilliana Rivera


This program helped me get out of imposter syndrome and focus on what I needed to do. It was a push I think a lot of people need. You have your family and friends but when you have that unbiased person that is there to listen and help direct you, it helps.

Your Coach

The Creative Hype Coach

Shereene Manimala

I’m Shereene Manimala and I am your Creative Hype Coach. I work with creatives that are ready to take their creative work to the next level and they know how important accountability, commitment and working through the challenges is to show up. I care so deeply about people pursuing their passions because I didn’t for so long and did what I thought I was supposed to do. I know the commitment and vulnerability it takes to pursue art and it’s my honor to hype you up so I can help you achieve your dreams. I'm just humbled to be a part of the process.

Fun Facts

  • Marketing Background

    I know how to market brands! I left a high salary corporate job because I was confident in doing this shit myself for brands I actually care about. I know how to create impactful content and experiences people connect with.

  • Artist Management

    Hyping up creatives isn't new for me! I've been managing artists for years because I believe that creatives should focus on their gifts and outsource the rest. My favorite client is my husband, DJ iLLEST ;) Check him out at @djillestdoitall

  • Creatively Expressed

    From my big curly colored hair to the Upside Down Smilie Sari Pants I make with my mom's old saris, I love expressing myself fully. You are worthy of that as well. I will push you to be FULLY YOU and none of that cookie cutter shit. If I'm going to push you then I have to live by example and pursue my own creative expression as well!

Watch Intro Video

One of my many Creative Expressions - Upside Down Smilie

To be the Creative Hype Coach, I have to have my own creative expression!

Hype Creative Mentorship

Are you going to actually do this or keep talking about it?


  • Why should I make this investment?

    Because you're worth it! Point blank. But also, this investment is training for you to foster your creative expression so that you can lead as Creative Hype Coach yourself to build a business that will bring you income to support your art.

  • Why should I trust you?

    I get it. This is a lot of money and if you don't know me personally then you're probably wondering "Is this shit a scam? Is this a pyramid scheme? Who is this b*tch?!" I try my best to be as transparent as possible with my story on my social media and commit to doing the same here through the lessons and coaching. I can't force you to trust me. That's your choice.

  • But couldn't I be my own Hype Coach or even my family/friends?

    You can and you should. And yes, your friends and family are needed in this equation as well. I want you to have the tools which includes what we work through and other support (family, friends, therapy, community) so that you can lean on ALL of that when needed. My role is to be unbiased of your situation, past experiences and decisions. Sometimes that is hard for our family and friends. I won't judge you if you've said you're going to commit to your creative work 50 times before because if you're ready now then let's do it. I won't tell you to give up your art to focus on finding a partner, having children or hustling at your career so you can buy the house with the white picket fence. I'm not here for that. I'm here for the creative that is brave enough to say "I'm ready to invest in support because I know that I'm worth it and it will help me in the long run".

  • Yo, this is a lot of money though!

    Hell ya, it is. It's a big investment and you're worth every penny. I have almost 20 years of professional work experience in creative work from managing artists, brand management, event production, music festivals, video production, content creation and shit, even going to shoutout my years of working in retail because that was all customer service skills. You'll learn through my program that your time and energy is your currency. I'm looking to help you build a business so that you can make this investment back ASAP!

  • But isn't this all about supporting creatives?

    Yup, it is! And trust me, this is worth WAY more than the number you are seeing above. I am committed to showing up for you, sending you opportunities, sharing your work, connecting you with the right people. I promise you that I am committed to bringing along my people because WE ALL EAT. My goal is to bring on Creative Hype Coaches to my team so we all win together.

  • Can I get my money back if I change my mind?

    Short answer: No. Long answer: You are making a commitment. With social media and so much free access to content, I want us to change our perspective when it comes to content consumption, supporting creatives and paying for shit. I feel like it's my responsibility to educate my community on how important it is to invest in artists but also to hold space for you to make your decisions with intention and thought and not let you click the button all willy nilly. After you commit, you will be signing a legal agreement to protect us both. If you change your mind then that's your decision at that point and you are aware that there will be consequences. I honor your decision but there are no refunds. Often times these feelings are coming from a scarcity mindset or self doubt. I freaked out more than a handful of times during the year I invested $10K in coaching. It's all a part of the process. Sit in that shit.

  • But this is hard!

    Mmmmhmm but it's also beautiful, supportive, transformative and freakin life changing. I know, I know, so "woo woo" but I believe in coaching 3000%. I've invested over $11,000 so far and I plan on continuing. We are forever evolving, growing and getting more aligned to the person we have dreamed of. I honor the lower energy and sometimes shitty feeling moments. I call it Hype Recharge and it's needed for the process. You can't be SUPER HYPE all day. It's not sustainable and understanding that has truly been a huge part of my own transformation and acceptance of myself.

  • Ok, I'm in! Now what?

    If you've scheduled a call with me and I invited you to the program, click the above purchase button to sign up. I'll be sending you an agreement and then we will start scheduling our 1 on 1 calls. YAY! CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT! If I haven't invited you to the program officially, please email ([email protected]) or message me (@creativehypecoach) so we can chat.